A warm welcome to the IPB engineering company!
The IPB engineering company is your competent partner for various structural problems. In the course of time, IPB has gained a lot of experience in the following topics of building and machinery construction:

Building construction
We are happy to conduct structural analyses in the field of building construction. We are specialized on the following topics, but of course open-minded to new questions:
- Structural analysis of steel structures;
- structural analysis of composite structures (e.g. composite columns);
- structural analysis of crane runway girders;
- structural analysis of steel bridges;
- freelance collaboration for time-sensitive projects or in case of order peaks;
- preliminary structural analyses to assess the tonnage.
Machinery construction
In the field of machinery construction, we are mainly (but not exclusively) dealing with following topics:
- Jigs and Tools: lifting devices, fabrication and transport means;
- structural analyses for our customers from the aircraft industriy;
- structural analyses for our customers from the wind energy industry;
- structural analyses for our customers from the ship industry.
Fire design
Our special topic is the fire design of the following structures. We are of course open to varying questions:
- Fire design of emergency stairways;
- fire design of constructions out of conventional steel or stainless steel;
- fire design of concrete structures;
- fire design of composite constructions;
- fire design of timber constructions;
- fire design of joints for all abovementioned constructions.
To clarify your current question, please directly contact us by phone. Or send us an e-mail with some data of your project. On this basis, we are pleased to send you an attractive and short-term offer.